Dundee: 21 Weeks

Dundee is now 21 weeks old, so we thought that since we didn’t throw him a typical 21st birthday party, we’d give you a list of 21 things all about Dundee!

1. Knows to “sit” when cued

Dundee has got this down, and a few weeks ago even began continuing this cue to mean “continue sitting”. ¬†This can be very useful in situations like riding an elevator, or waiting in line.

2. Learned lay “down” when cued

This cue is practice all of the time, to ensure that it is “proofed” (which we talked about in an older entry). ¬†We cue it during dog play, in busy areas like the mall, and outside!

3. Will “come” when called

This is signal handedly the most important cue for all dogs!!

4. When socializing with small dogs, Dundee rolls on his back and plays extremely gently

5. Dundee has “freckles” on his belly, large and small, mostly brown though!

6. Dundee was conceived in West Virginia on a farm, but then rescued by Animal Lifeline before his litter was delivered

7. Dundee was one of two puppies from his litter with a merle like coat – the rest were black and white!

8. When his water bowl is empty, he picks it up and carries it to the closest person (no training involved)

9. Dundee is preliminarily matched with a partner that uses a power wheelchair and trains with them weekly!

10. He has a fan club of ladies from Palmyra Animal Clinic (no really, they are huge fans of him!)

11. When being furminated (brushed), he usually closes his eyes.

12. Dundee has been to Lancaster, Philadelphia, Carlisle, York, Harrisburg and Lebanon for training!

13. His toenails alternate between black and white

14. He has cat-like whiskers

15. Enjoys “free shaping” more than the average puppy

16. Offers MANY learned behaviors when he wants a treat

17. Loves to get “dressed” (put his working harness on)

18. Knows “under” on cue

When cued he will crawl under a bench or table, in order to stay out of the way

19. Loves playing in the snow, and generally covering himself in flakes!

20. Walks over grates openly

21. Goes into and sleeps quietly in his crate!

One thought on “Dundee: 21 Weeks

  1. I LOVES Dundee ands I is his BIGGEST fan!! I knows how to do his cues, too. Please tells him I has freckles ands my toesnails allstersnates betweens black ands white. Ands I LOVES to plays in the snow. Please gives him a BIG kiss from me, okay? Love, Kima Bear Dog

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